To celebrate a remarkable year for our private jet division and demonstrate what we can achieve for our customers, we’ve put together a selection of memorable private jet charters from 2022.

ACS's private jet charters of 2022

Following a record-breaking year in 2021 that saw revenues reach $1.8 billion (£1.3bn), ACS’s private jet charter division continued to fuel yet more growth in 2022. 

For the first six months of the financial year, we recorded sales of $770 million – an  increase of 49% on the same period last year, with revenue from private jet charters up 56%. This long-term global growth resulted in the expansion of our two offices in California, our base in Aix-en-Provence in France, and a new Brisbane office in Australia.

To celebrate another remarkable year and demonstrate what we can achieve for our customers, we’ve put together a selection of some of our most memorable private jet charters from 2022. We look forward to arranging thousands more in 2023!


Flying an NFL star to his retirement party

We regularly organise charters for celebrities and sports stars, but one that stood out for us in 2022 was for NFL star Morgan Burnett. Our team sprung into action when the former player’s agent asked us to fly him to his retirement party in Wisconsin at short notice.

Within 20 minutes, we’d reached out to industry contacts to source a Learjet 60XR and had the client in the air in just three hours. Despite the tight turnaround, one of our brokers personally saw off the flight and even ensured there was a bottle of Champagne on board.

Whisking a musician to Coachella

We’re used to arranging last-minute charters, so we were unphased when a tour manager gave us just two days’ notice to fly a musician from Los Angeles to the Coachella Music Festival with scheduled flights sold out and a limited supply of private jets available.

Despite the obstacles, we leveraged our unrivalled industry relationships to find two viable solutions within hours of receiving the request. The client opted for a mid-size Cessna Citation CJ3+ with plenty of room for the group of eight.

Returning a Grammy winner home after the awards

A similarly-timed request came earlier in the year, when a tour manager asked us to help fly a high-profile artist back to Las Vegas from the Grammys in Los Angeles. Once again, availability was limited with just a week to go until the event, but we quickly sourced a Falcon 2000 with space for the 10 passengers from a trusted operator we often work with.

The aircraft was available at short notice, allowing us to confirm a solution within just four hours of receiving the request. And our team didn’t stop there – after hearing the client had won a Grammy, we also arranged for themed chocolates and their favourite whisky and Champagne to be waiting on the flight.

Flying a media executive to a business event in Colorado

The assistant of a global media company’s chief operating officer asked us to arrange a private jet from Louisiana to a business event in Colorado at short notice. The executive was travelling alone, so we suggested chartering a light jet for the three-hour flight. 

We liaised with several operators to provide a range of quotes within hours of receiving the brief. The client then requested some additional options the next day, before opting for a Dassault Falcon 10. Adding the finishing touches to this charter, we stocked the aircraft with a bottle of bubbly for the client to take with her and enjoy after the event.

Arranging multiple charters for European conferences

Sometimes a charter request involves more than one flight, such as when a travel agent asked for our help flying multiple passengers to delegate conferences across Europe. The brief required several flights, with groups travelling on a range of aircraft on different dates.

Working with colleagues across our global network of offices, ACS London booked 40 flights in total, using seven different types of commercial aircraft and private jets from seven different operators. Every flight ran smoothly, even with an incident that required a new aircraft to be found within four hours!

Transporting a gamer back from Las Vegas

We like going the extra mile to ensure each client’s charter experience is special. In October, a Canadian gamer asked us to arrange a round-trip charter to Las Vegas, where he and a group of friends were attending a music festival and live-streaming from local casinos. When a grounded aircraft threatened to disrupt the return flight, we needed to quickly come up with an alternative solution to get them home.

Knowing the client had a fear of flying and preferred to travel on planes with heavier cabins, we upgraded the group to a Global 5000. We also ensured the charter was tailored to their personal preferences, stocking the aircraft with their favourite drinks, bespoke inflight catering, fresh flowers, branded cookies and even a custom-made poker set.

To learn more about how we can fulfil your private jet needs, talk to a member of our friendly team, who will take care of your charter from start to finish.

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